Transformational Ventures
Arun Singh KRANTi
7 Mega Projects
असङ्क जीवन | Asaṅka Jīvana
Parā Vidyā
Parameṣṭhi Rahasyam
Parama Rahasyam
Mahā Rahasyam
श्रीविद्या महाकल्प
Parāparā Avataraṇa Vidyā (Parā Aparā)
सम्पूर्ण त्रिपुरा महाविद्या [हादि विद्या]
Aparāparā Ūrdhvacetā Vidyā (Aparā Parā)
Kuṇḍalinī Chakra Vidyā
सम्पूर्ण त्रिपुरा महाविद्या [कादि विद्या]
A–parā Vidyā
Vedic Living Mastery (ज्योतिर्मय जीवन)
Tattva Vāstu
Smṛti Śikṣā
Memory Mastery
Muhurta Rahasyam
माई विद्या | MAE VIDYA
चैत्य विद्या
मनोमयी Manifestation
Vaidik Reality Bending (VRB)
Brahmavarchas Energy Integration & Neurological Generation (BEING)
वाक् सिद्धि
परावाक् सिद्धि
अथर्वा NLP
अद्वैत प्रज्ञा | Advaita Prajñā
108 Upaniṣads
Dhyana Ānanda
अनाहत् संक्रिया | Anāhat Saṃkriyā
Nāda Sadhana
Praṇava Vidyā
अमर्त्य विद्या | Amartya Vidyā
Tejasvinī Śikṣā
Rudrākṣa Therapy
अवचैत्य परमा हीलिङ्ग | Avachaitya Paramā Healing
Subconscious Mastery
Mahāprāṇika Healing
Metaconscious Self-Healing
अथर्वा सञ्जनन | Atharvā Sañjanana
Atharvā NLP
Vedic Laws of Attraction (SHAILA : Sacred – Holistic Atharvo-Impulsic Law of Attraction)
Santati Śikṣā
Relationship Mastery
Kāmayābī Sūtras
Perception Mastery
Freedom Vidyā
TimeLine Siddhi
Inner En-Structuring
Oriental Leadership
Vedic Timeline-Mastery
Aim-Game Supercode

To-wards the undistorted YOUNIVERSE
Spiritual Neuro Linguistic Programming is a great tool to harness the Unlimited Powers of Sub-Conscious and Super Conscious Mind to achieve every possible ambition. Using simple techniques of NLP, one can easily empower his mind and thus himself to be able to solve various challenges of life. NLP is believed to be the most authentic and most effective Human Mind Technology that has tremendous power and potential to resolve most of Mental and Emotional issues.

To-tal Trans-formation with Arun Singh KRANTI
Jyotiṣa Mārgadarśana (guidance through Bhāratian Astrology), Living Mastery Mentoring, Coaching for Life-Coaches, Atharvā NLP (amalgamation of Neurolinguistic Programming and VedāntiK Secrets), MahāprāṇiK Healing, Daivajña Numeroscopy, Oriental Parenting, Vaidika Laws of Attraction Coaching, True-Success Mentoring, Vyaktitva Development Coaching, Family and Relationships Counselling, Corporate Counselling, Authors Mentoring, Sports Peak-Performance Counselling, Dhī-śakti Memory Mentoring, Vaidika Mathematics Tutoring, Antaḥ Prājñatva Meditation Coaching, Reality Manifestation Coaching, Living-in-Happiness Coaching, Youniversal Laws of Leadership Coaching, Mudrā Healing, Mantra therapy, Palmistry, Kuṇḍalinī Research, Vaidika Pilgrimage Guide & Rudraksha-Healing.